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COnfessions of an Angry girl
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from reviews of
Confessions of an Angry Girl.
(Thanks, all you nice Bloggers!)
“Rose's journey through grief and trying to acclimate to high school was both humorous and heart breaking. She is the kind of character you want to champion because she's strong, makes good choices and she isn't afraid to stand up for what's right.”
“Teen sex, drinking, peer pressure, bullying, vandalism, harassment—these are tough issues and they’re faced by teens every day, whether they participate or not. Rozett handles them deftly and with understanding, not sugar-coating anything but not dramatizing it either.”
“Rose’s journey through her raging emotions and getting used to her new school was funny and very intense at times. I wanted her to win because I felt for her. This is the type of book we want our youth to read because it stands for what is right. The message behind the book is definitely empowerment.”
“...the lessons in this novel concerning sex and taking care of one’s self are extremely valuable for teens to learn when they are considering entering into intimate relationships. So many teens don’t stop to think about the emotional ramifications of their choices. This is one of those books that could create opportunities for conversation between parents and their teens.”
“Rose has this humorous side that kept me laughing for hours, that was when I WASN'T drooling over Heartthrob, Jamie Forta...*SWOON*....He will have you melting into a big puddle of giggling school girl!!...I highly recommend getting your hands on this book and taking a trip back to High School, even for just a little while!! You won't be sorry!!”
“Aside from being flawed, Rose as a character is just real. I related to her left and right throughout the book, whether be it about her filial situation or how she felt about the changes she was encountering with her friends and life in general. Rose is a remarkable character, and I can say with no qualms whatsoever that anyone will be able to relate to her.”
“What’s better than a book that can make you laugh and cry!? The balance between the humor and the more serious issues is perfect—it never gets too heavy, but it doesn’t get crazy or unrealistically ridiculous either.”
“Although this book may have seemed like it revolved around teenage urges, I felt that there was an underlying message. In this book some bullying does take place and that helps to clarify the message—you do not need to conform to what society wants you to be, and you do not need to feel the pressure to do things you may not necessarily want to do from your peers.”
“This book is flawlessly written to deliver a raw recount of what it feels like to be in what I like to call an ‘emotional rollercoaster with no restraints’—when life throws you curveballs you weren’t expecting and suddenly you have more emotions than you know what to do with, pressures from every angle, tears stuck behind your eyes that you can’t let out and that strong wish that everything could be the way it was.”
“Confessions of an Angry Girl is a fantastic novel that draws you right in and pulls at your heart with each turn of the page.”
“Louise Rozett definitely knows how to write
kissing scenes :)”
“I loved Confessions of an Angry Girl. It was everything I wasn’t expecting and more. Confessions of an Angry Girl relatable—half the time I was wondering if somebody had stolen my diary and given it to Louise.”
“Intense yet charming, Confessions of an Angry Girl is a sharp and painful tale that pulls in several elements in a completely smooth way. This is one of those books that got to me so much, I don’t totally know how to properly review it. It is so raw, so real, and so honest. This book had a high impact feel to it, yet also had plenty of sweeter moments, as well some humor to even things out.”
“Rose’s relationships with the people around interesting. I think everyone can connect with the confusion of what to do when your friend seems to be moving in one direction while you move in another...To be honest, I loved everything about this story, from beginning to end—in fact, I didn’t want it to end! You won’t regret reading this one…”
“I absolutely loved this book! How could I not?! Louise Rozett has given us a gorgeous high-school life story! Rose is so naive, and super smart...Plus there is a gorgeous 'bad boy' too! Yum!...I hate to point out the obvious, but why can't the sequel be out already?!”
“Rozett did an incredible job at capturing fourteen-year-old Rose’s voice. She pulls you in with her writing and makes you feel as if you’re back in your own freshman year and facing what the characters are going through.”
“Confessions of an Angry Girl is not just about a girl being angry at the world, it’s much deeper than that. This book is also about loss and grieving and learning how to move on with life, even if you don’t want to.”
“Confessions of an Angry Girl was a very refreshing read. I laughed, I reminisced, and I cringed, but mostly I just had a good time reading it. I wish that I would have had it at 14. It’s definitely a great book for teenage girls. I don’t think nearly enough people are talking about Confessions of an Angry Girl. I think we should change that. I recommend that you read this as soon as possible.”
“This book has a strong message regarding respect for yourself and for others, and doing what is right for you, yet it never felt preachy. I definitely think teens would benefit from reading this story and I’m sure most could also relate to Rose feeling like an outsider and not understanding how to fit in.”
“Another thing that I appreciated about this story and Rozett’s writing was the realistic portrayal of Rose’s high school experience. Often times in novels, I feel like high school is either over-dramatized or sugar-coated, but the author seemed to find the perfect balance in this story...”
“Confessions of an Angry Girl is just the start of what will be an amazing contemporary series. I for one am eagerly awaiting the second book already.”
“The story is told with such humor and tenderness that I found myself laughing out loud at some parts, and feeling choked up at other parts. It's thoughtful, and allows the reader to contemplate important issues, without it ever feeling anything but real.”
“I loved and enjoyed Confessions of an Angry Girl so much!... It was so good I can’t even explain it. Louise Rozett had me wanting more before I even finished.... There’s no better way to say that Louise entirely swept me off my feet.
“Rozett has a completely unique voice. I read tons of YA, but this was different, the world was gritty and felt dangerous somehow...The relationships in COAAG bled on the page. [Rozett] packed a punch with every single character...This author is one to watch out for.”
“Confessions of an Angry Girl is not predictable, which is why you should read it. This is a really well written and unique high school/coming-of-age novel and personally, I feel that a one year wait for the next book is unreasonably long. Like I said, I cannot wait to read it!”
“I thought Louise Rozett did an excellent job at capturing the voice of a teenage girl. Although this book had a lot of serious issues such as bullying, I thought there was a terrific balance between the serious issues and humour.... This is a brilliant debut novel that any fan of contemporary YA should pick up.”